Camera Settings for Drone Real Estate Photography

  1. Real Estate Photography Tips
  2. Drone Real Estate Photography Tips
  3. Camera Settings for Drone Real Estate Photography

As a Real Estate Photographer in San Antonio TX, I understand the importance of capturing stunning images of homes and their surrounding areas. With the use of drone photography, I am able to revolutionize the way these images are captured. However, mastering the camera settings for drone real estate photography is crucial in order to achieve the best results. Here, you will learn everything you need to know in order to capture beautiful photos and videos of homes with your drone. Whether you are a real estate agent, a drone photographer, or just someone looking to take some great shots of their own home, understanding the basics of camera settings for drone real estate photography can help you get the most out of your drone. We'll go over the basics of camera settings, as well as discuss some tips and tricks for getting those perfect shots.

Shutter Speed

is one of the most important camera settings for drone real estate photography.

It determines how long the camera shutter stays open when taking a photograph and affects the amount of light that reaches the camera’s sensor. A slower shutter speed will allow more light to enter, resulting in a brighter image, while a faster shutter speed will capture less light and produce a darker image. The most common shutter speeds used for drone real estate photography are between 1/500th of a second and 1/15th of a second, depending on the type of shot you’re trying to capture. For example, if you want to capture a property from a higher altitude and with more detail, you’ll need to use a faster shutter speed.

On the other hand, if you’re looking to blur movement or create a more dramatic look, you’ll need to use a slower shutter speed.


is another important setting that affects the exposure of your images. It controls the sensitivity of the camera sensor to light and can be adjusted to either increase or decrease the brightness of your images. A higher ISO setting will result in a brighter image, while a lower ISO setting will result in a darker image. Generally speaking, it’s best to use a low ISO setting for drone real estate photography in order to prevent noise and graininess in the image.

However, if you’re shooting in low light conditions, you may need to increase your ISO setting to get the desired results.

White Balance

is an important setting for achieving accurate colors in your images. It helps to correct any color casts that may be caused by different lighting conditions, such as sunlight or artificial light. The most commonly used white balance settings are Auto, Daylight, Cloudy, and Tungsten. Auto is generally a good choice for beginners as it adjusts the white balance automatically according to the lighting conditions.

However, if you’re looking for more precise control over the colors in your images, you may want to select one of the other white balance settings.

Depth of Field

(DOF) is another important camera setting for drone real estate photography. It refers to the distance between the nearest and farthest objects that appear sharp in an image. A shallow DOF will result in only one point of the image being in focus, while a deeper DOF will make more of the image appear sharp. Generally speaking, it’s best to use a shallow DOF when shooting real estate from a drone in order to make certain elements stand out.

For example, if you want the house itself to be in focus while blurring out the surrounding trees and bushes, you can use a shallow DOF. These are just some of the basic camera settings for drone real estate photography. By understanding how each setting works and experimenting with different combinations, you can achieve stunning results that will make your images truly stand out.

Using Advanced Camera Settings

In addition to the basic camera settings, there are also some advanced settings that can be used to capture stunning images of properties. These include focus tracking, exposure bracketing, and color correction.

Focus Tracking

is a feature that allows you to keep a sharp focus on a specific subject in the frame, even if the drone or the subject is moving.

This is a great tool for capturing crisp images of moving subjects, such as cars or people.

Exposure Bracketing

allows you to take multiple shots at different exposure levels, so that you can choose the best one. This is especially useful for capturing details in both bright and dark areas of the scene.

Color Correction

is a great tool for adjusting the color temperature and hue of your images.

This can be used to make photos look more natural or to enhance certain colors in the scene. Using the right camera settings for drone real estate photography can help you create stunning images of properties. With practice and experimentation, you can find the perfect combination of shutter speed, ISO, and other settings for your needs. Advanced Camera Settings can help you capture unique, eye-catching shots that will impress your clients.

Taking the time to learn more about camera settings for drone real estate photography will pay off in the long run.

Candace Lafrazia
Candace Lafrazia

Evil beer aficionado. Professional tv buff. Wannabe food guru. Incurable internet trailblazer. Certified coffee scholar.

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